Archive for March, 2010

March 29, 2010

Dump Your Shame!

Think of a time you did something wrong and you were ashamed of your behavior. Or how about the time someone else did it, but you still feel bad about it anyway.

Are you carrying it around with you? Has it become part of the baggage you drag around day to day?

I am ashamed to say

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March 3, 2010

Welcome Home!

The purpose of this blog is to help you see your problems, habits and addictions differently.  When you shift your focus you will be able to dissolve your issues more easily.  Get rid of the negativity, shame and darkness.  You don’t need it anymore.  Choose to focus on health, happiness and light.

Choose to care.

Create a better life.  Enjoy.  Laugh.  Live.  You deserve the best.

Share who you are…we would love to read your comments!

March 3, 2010

Do You Watch People Win While You Are Losing?

As you’re going along, playing this game of life, do you ever notice that people around you are succeeding while you are struggling?  What goes through your mind as you look at them?  I have a tendency to think, “Good for them, why can’t that be me?”

Why can’t that be me?  I would like to offer several options:

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